
Địa điểm: 117B Nguyễn Đình Chiểu, Q. Phú Nhuận, Hồ Chí Minh

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Giới thiệu về công ty

Officience is a state-of-the-art French provider of BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) services. Our mission is to design and implement specific Back-office solutions for our clients. From in our operational center based in HCMC, our teams execute operational tasks and processes on our customers’ behalf. Officience is organized in 4 business units able to deliver tailor made outsourcing services to support 4 differents types of clients’Back-Offices : marketing and sales, finance & admin, IT & Operations, Advanced services. Our customers see this flexible and tailored-made offshoring of some of their operations to Officience as an excellent alternative to IT or staffing investment or complete process outsourcing. Officience has been founded in 2006 by 2 French Viet Kieus after 10 years of international experience in MNC’s. The company has grown at a very rapid pace. After only 2 years of operations, Officience employs 150 staff and sales will reach 1.3M Euros in 2008. JOIN OFFICIENCE There are so many reasons to join us; we can only mention a few here: Training This world is moving fast. Very fast. At Officience, our policy is that each employee spends 10% of his time in learning activities. Work ethics Officience is a Meritocracy. Merit is a foundation stone of the organization and there is no other limit to your progression in this company besides your own capacity to progress. Our core values are Teamwork, Agility and Perfection. Environment Welcome in the global village! Officience is truly part of it since all our assignments are from foreign companies. Expect them to come over and visit us, but be prepared to go there as well, who knows? In any case, all our facilities and policies are similar to what you can find in any Western Europe corporate office, if not superior in class. MOVE IN THE FLAT WORLD WITH OFFICIENCE!