Tìm kiếm ứng viên miễn phí hãy đồng hành cùng WORKBANK.VN
Chức danh/Vị trí: Mua hàng, Sale admin, Trợ lý kinh doanh

Nguyễn Hoàng Lan
Ngày sinh: 06-08-1988
Giới tính: Nữ - Đã kết hôn
Quốc gia: Viet Nam
Điện thoại: 0985851093
Địa chỉ: 243/15/14 Mã Lò, Phường Bình Trị Đông A, Quận Bình Tân, Hồ Chí Minh
Email: hoanglan.tm4@gmail.com
- I would like to be an experienced exporting-importing expert.
- With more than 6 years’ experience working at importing and admin department, I am confident to work in professional company.
- I will finish all of tasks which I am assigned with the best result, especially in importing department and admin department.
* Drilling Mud Corporation - Branch in HCMC.
- A aubsidiary of PetroVietnam.
- Now changed to PVCHEM-CS. Website: www.pvchem.com.vn.
- From 2011 to 2016 - Administration and importing.
* Admin role:
- Responsible for reports (planning, administration, business reports including business results - monthly, quarter, yearly...).
- Handle travel ticket/ transportation arrangement & hotel bookings.
- Handle all documents about the contract, customer’s information list... of business dept by regulated in ISO 9001:2008 system.
- Support salesman to find new customers by internet, phone... and support after sale.
- Support salesman to make the quotation and arrange the delivery schedule.
* Business role:
- Sales team: Deal the sales contract terms with customers.
+ Deal with supplier to buy the products with best price.
+ Manage warehouse: responsible for quantity of products in storage, compare with the storekeeper every month, quarter, year...
+ Planning to deliver on time to customers.
+ Issue the receipt order and delivery order to warehouse.
+ Check the storage conditions at the warehouse regularly.
- Bidding spare parts team:
+ Find information and contact the contractors to get the bid: Bidding in spare parts, chemicals, solvent... in the Oil & Gas industry.
+ Contact suppliers (oversea and domestic) and negotiate to get the best price.
+ Make the price plan with profit and all of the related documents (English/Vietnamese) to complete the bidding proposal.
+ Plan for importing from foreign suppliers. Dealing with suppliers for commercial contracts. Responsible for the delivery on time.
* Importing expert role:
+ Deal the sales contracts with suppliers about quality of products, payment term more safety and convenient, lead time...
+ Work with suppliers, bank and accountant department at the same time to release the LC original (in case of paying by L/C). Experienced with all types of payment as T/T, D/P, L/C...
+ Responsible for checking LC payment documents.
+ Responsible for checking exporting documents from suppliers.
+ Work with the forwarder to make the customs clearance. Support the forwarder to prepare the documents in case of using quota free of tax.
* 5S Weaving Inc. Website: www.fsi.com.vn.
- From 2016 to 2017 - Customer services.
- Support salesman to select and send the sample of garment accessories (woven, nonwoven, interlining, canvas, embroidery...) which suitable for different garment plan of customers.
- Work with the technical department to make the test report about the suitability between the interlining and the customer’s fabric: in conditions strong washing, iron at high temperature...
- Work with the warehouse to search accessories base on customer’s demand.
- Receive and deals with customers about all of terms in the PO or the contract such as payment term, delivery time, the quantity of interlining...
- Remind and arrange with the storekeeper to make sure delivery on time.
- Support salesman to solve the problems with customers such as delay delivery, lack of goods,..
- Support after selling for clients.
* New Diamond Machinery Co., Ltd. Website: www.newdiamond.com.vn.
- From 2019 to 2020 - Sale support.
- Support salesman in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and plant protection medicines industry.
- Prepare the quotation for equipment, machinery and production lines with technical details based on customer’s demand.
- Prepare the bidding proposal in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.
- Receive, manage and transfer samples such as bottles, jars, stopples, lids, boxes... from the customers to Taiwan Machine Makers for machinery testing.
- Follow all of the contracts to arrange the delivery on time.
- Support the technical department to arrange transportation, booking the hotel and the acceptance documents.
- Responsible for following and reminding the customer to pay on time.
- Responsible for attending the exhibition in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry: work with the exhibition host to choose the location of the exhibition booth; work with the design company to set up the booth; work with the transport company to bring the machinery and equipment to the exhibition; prepare the documents, gifts, brochures...
* 2006 - 2010: University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City.
- Bachelor of commerce.
- Major: Commerce.
- GPA: 7.3.
* 2010: University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City.
- Diploma of modern banking business.
- GPA: 8.5.
* 2010: The University of Science Ho Chi Minh City.
- Microsoft access: level B.
* January 2011: TOEIC score of 605.
- Good skills in microsoft office.
- Able to work independently and team work.
- Carefulness, considerateness and patience.
- Loyalty, honesty and high responsible.
- Able to work under high pressure.
- Good in time management and organizational skills.
- Good in English skills (reading, writing and translating).
- Good interpersonal skills.

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